Wednesday August 24th
Tour of Native Gardens at DNR Central Region Office 6:30 pm
1200 Warner Road, St. Paul Directions
This native garden was established about 10 years ago in order to add some wildlife and aesthetic values to the edge of a long sidewalk leading up to the front door of the DNR. The garden is planted in linear strips lining both sides of the sidewalk, and takes advantage of changing conditions, ranging from open sun to partial shade. There are over 30 native species, ranging from prairie to forest plants.
There are many challenges to this site, including shallow rooted silver maples near the sidewalk, burrowing mammals that disturb the soil, many invasive weeds (including serious creeping bellwort problems), and being adjacent to mowed turf. Plant species are labeled with names, and several species have interpretive signs describing the plants and their wildlife values. The tour will include discussion of how we are dealing with the problems as well as information about pollinators and other benefits to wildlife.
Tour leader: Hannah Texler, DNR Regional Plant Ecologist
RSVP please to info@wildonestwincities.org or 612-293-3833