Tuesday, January 16, 2018
6:45 pm-7:00 pm | Social7:00 pm-8:45 pm | Program
Wood Lake Nature Center
6710 Lake Shore Dr S, Richfield, MN 55423
All meetings are free and open to the public.

• Selection
• Planting
• Maintenance
Join us for an informative program and discussion on everything you need to know about caring for Minnesota native trees and shrubs in you home and community landscapes. Bring your questions for three local experts:

Master Water Stewards - Learn more about pollution prevention and storm water projects led by Wild Ones members as part of their Master Water Steward capstone projects. Visit one of the lovely and functional rain gardens that Laurie installed with volunteers at Lutheran Church of Christ Redeemer.
And check out a video documenting Marilyn's fun and purposeful efforts engaging her Minneapolis neighborhood in stormwater awareness on National Night Out. For more information, visit masterwaterstewards.org/
Monterey Cohousing - In addition to lending tree care expertise to her St. Louis Park cohousing development and local urban forest initiatives, "Branch Manager" Joelyn also actively volunteers with the following programs and organizations:
Sara Nelson
Leslie Pilgrim
Featured speakers include:

In case you missed it...
Check out a couple articles in the Star-Trib featuring our WOTC members Jeremy and Amy-Ann Mayberg, and their Edina native restoration garden:
Thank you to our WILD ONES IN THE FIELD presenters at the November Wild Ones twin Cities meeting!
Learn more about the various organizations they participate in and lead, putting their knowledge and passion for native plant landscaping to work in the wider community...
Vicki Bonk
Nokomis Naturescape - Visit the spectacular four acre Naturescape gardens for inspiration all season long, and come learn alongside Vicki, founding and lead Gardeneer, and other Wild Ones volunteers Tuesday evenings from April through October. Pick up native habitat plant kits and information at one of the Grow Monarch Habitat workshops that Vicki leads. And be sure to stop by in September for the Annual Monarch Festival!
For more information, visit monarchfestival.org/naturescape/
For more information, visit monarchfestival.org/naturescape/
Laurie Bruno & Marilyn Jones
A rain garden doing its job-- adding beauty and function to this parking lot! |
The rain garden filled with native plants in bloom and the many visitors it attracts! |
And check out a video documenting Marilyn's fun and purposeful efforts engaging her Minneapolis neighborhood in stormwater awareness on National Night Out. For more information, visit masterwaterstewards.org/
Joelyn Malone
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Joelyn with fellow Tree Trust volunteers. |
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Transforming one small piece of boulevard from turf grass to native perennial plants add up to make a huge difference for pollinators! |
Corcoran Grows - Visit the Corcoran Pollinator Project blog to follow this innovative grassroots neighborhood project installing boulevard gardens with donated plants to increase urban biodiversity. This ongoing project invites neighbors to become part of the "crop mob" and share plants from their own gardens to help create more expansive pollinator habitat. For more information, visit corcoranpollinatorproject.org
Leslie Pilgrim
Neighborhood Greening - Leslie has taken her journey of learning to a whole other level, founding Neighborhood Greening as a resource dedicated to environmental education and stewardship, with a hyper-local focus that harnesses "the spirit of community to make small but impactful efforts that will make a greener neighborhood for both humans and wildlife.” She publishes a free, informative and richly illustrated quarterly e-journal, The Butterfly Effect that aims to "spotlight our successes, examine small but impactful changes we can make to become better stewards of our local environment, tell our 'green' stories, and show how environmental stewardship directly enriches our community, families, and lives.”
For more information, visit neighborhoodgreening.org
For more information, visit neighborhoodgreening.org
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Mendota Elementary Rain Garden in full summer bloom! |
Save the date...
FEBRUARY 17, 2018
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Anderson Student Center, University of St. Thomas, St.Paul Campus
Featured speakers include:
Jared Rosenbaum and Rachael Mackow own and operate Wild Ridge Plants, Pohatcong, New Jersey, where they are growers and stewards of native plants. They provide a comprehensive toolkit of services, including a native plant nursery, habitat restoration design, environmental education, and botanical surveys.
Catherine Zimmerman is an award-winning documentary filmmaker, certified horticulturist, and landscape designer from Washington, D.C. She also serves as a Wild Ones Honorary National Director. Her most recent film, Hometown Habitat, Stories of Bringing Nature Home, is a collaboration with Dr. Douglas Tallamy. The film explores how and why native plants are critical to the survival and vitality of local eco-systems.
More information on speakers, tickets and exhibitors coming soon at designwithnatureconference.org