Unveiling the Mystery of Collecting and Propagating Spring Ephemerals
Presenter | Patrick Maun
6:30 pm Social | 7:00 pm program
Wood Lake Nature Center in RichfieldClick here to join online for this hybrid program.
Spring ephemerals are the first to appear in the spring for a brief and brilliant window of magic They can also be somewhat tricky to propagate. In this presentation, Patrick Maun will go over different approaches to gathering, starting seed and division of roots. Patrick will talk about what’s worked over the years for him, and how you can start getting ready for the upcoming season.
Miss our April Program? View it HERE!
If you bring in a new member by May 15th to join you on your native plant journey, you will receive a free native shrub, for each member that joins, that you can pick up at the WOTC Resource Fair on May 21st at Wood Lake Nature Center. To receive your free shrub, contact gkhalloran@gmail.com when your friend(s) joins, to pick which species of shrub you would like to receive. Shrubs available to choose from are Saskatoon Serviceberry, Elderberry, Black Chokeberry and Red-Osier Dogwood. You can learn more about the individual shrubs by clicking on their names above.