
The Twin Cities Chapter of Wild Ones was chartered in 2001 and is one of several chapters in Minnesota. As we have grown, so has our network of native plant enthusiasts, gardeners, landscapers, nurseries and institutions who support our mission of educating the public about the benefits of preserving and restoring biodiversity of our native plant communities, beginning in our own yards and gardens.

The national Wild Ones group was formed in 1979, and the Twin Cities chapter held their first meeting in 2001. Our local chapter provides a venue for educating members and sharing information about using plants adapted to our own soils and climate, rather than struggling to maintain exotic and sometimes invasive plantings.

Nationally, Wild Ones has over 4,000 individual, household, and business memberships and there are eight active chapters in Minnesota. Become a member of Wild Ones and explore how to grow your own natural garden or yard full of Minnesota native plant species that provide wildlife habitat and a multitude of other benefits. We encourage visitors to join us at one of our free, open-to-the-public events and hear firsthand about our group. 

Events we sponsor include:
  • Monthly meetings with presentations by experts in native plants, natural landscaping and habitat restoration. Most meetings are open to the public.
  • Tours of members' yards to experience examples of formal and informal garden styles, raingardens, woodland gardens and butterfly attractors.
  • Gardening at the Nokomis Naturescape on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings April through October.
  • Guided field trips through natural areas.
  • "How-to" sessions and hands-on practice maintaining native plantings.
  • Plant and seed sales and exchanges.
  • Plant rescues.
  • A WOTC YouTube channel.


Chapter Officers
President: Jeremy Mayberg
Vice-President: OPEN
Secretary: Anne Holzinger
Treasurer: Jessica McMahon
Membership: Ginny Halloran

Chapter Board Members
Education: Julia Vanatta
Programs: Susan Van Baerle
Outreach: Vicki Bonk
Tours: George Watson
Social Media: Andy Scott
Plant Sale: OPEN
Communications: OPEN
Enews: Julia Vanatta
Website: Holley Wlodarczyk
Plant Signs: OPEN
Nokomis Naturescape: Vicki Bonk

If you are interested in serving on committee  or in a leadership role on the board, please contact us at info@wildonestwincities.org. Thank you!

Officers serve a one year term and are elected each November. Board positions may be filled at anytime. Please consider sharing your interest by getting involved in one of these capacities, helping support the healthy continuation and growth of our chapter. Duties are flexible, and there is a strong core of former members who are still very much involved in the group who will be happy to help newcomers. Board meetings are held quarterly. They often involve food and always involve laughter. Contact us at info@wildonestwincities.org to learn more.

Check our sign up page to see current volunteer opportunities at monthly meetings, summer tours and activities.

Remembering our Chapter Founder
Martha Flueck Rice

In January 2024 local members of Wild Ones joined family and friends to celebrate the life of Martha Flueck Rice, founder and president emeritus of Wild Ones Twin Cities chapter. Marty touched us all with her infectious smile and love of nature. We are forever grateful that she dedicated much of her life to education about our native plant community, Marty will be missed and remembered by all who knew her.