Our 14th Annual Native Plant Sale offers 6 collections and a variety of individual favorites in 3 convenient sizes available for pre-order. All plants available for pre-order are grown by a local Minnesota native plant nursery without the use of neonics.
Thank you supporting Wild Ones Twin Cities through your native plant order. Given the current state of emergency we needed to make some major adjustments in how we receive and process orders. We're pleased that we found a way to offer a selection of plant collections and individual potted plants at reasonable prices. A portion of each sale is a donation to our chapter, supporting our free education programs.
Because of COVID-19 pick up will no longer be in South Minneapolis.
- Those of you who are able will be asked to pick up your order at Prairie Restorations retail outlet in Princeton, MN.
- Rather than everyone picking up the same day, Prairie Restorations is filling the orders during retail store hours beginning on Saturday, May 30 through Sunday, June 14 (or whenever all orders have been filled).
- With purchase of Wild Ones Twin Cities native plant collection or individual plants, the Eventbrite ticket you get when you place your order will double as a one-time coupon good only on the day of pick-up for 10% discount on additional plant purchases and 25% discount on other merchandise, a great incentive.
- We do have a limited number of volunteers who have offered to pick up and deliver plant orders. Please help us reserve this option only if there is no other alternative. The expanded 16 day pick up window is meant to accommodate everyone.
- If you would like to volunteer to help on the weekends at Prairie Restorations, please SIGN UP HERE.
- Please contact us with any questions.
Thank you,
Wild One Twin Cities Plant Sale Committee
• Each flat contains 8 species in 6-packs, 48 plants total ($60 per flat)
• Collections are designed with native wildflower and grass species suitable for specific sun and soil moisture conditions AND for particular wildlife habitat benefits:
A — Butterfly Host Boulevard (dry, short, full-part sun, Apr-Oct)
B — Bird-Bee-Butterfly Prairie (dry-med, mixed height, full sun, Apr-Oct)
C — Pollinator Buffet Boulevard (med-wet, short height, sun/part shade, Jun-Oct)
D — Woodland Edge Boulevard (dry-med, short, part-full shade, Apr-Sep)
E — Woodland Pollinator Garden (med-wet, mixed height, part-full shade, Apr-Sep)
• Each flat contains 8 species in 6-packs, 48 plants total ($60 per flat)
• Collections are designed with native wildflower and grass species suitable for specific sun and soil moisture conditions AND for particular wildlife habitat benefits:
A — Butterfly Host Boulevard (dry, short, full-part sun, Apr-Oct)
B — Bird-Bee-Butterfly Prairie (dry-med, mixed height, full sun, Apr-Oct)
C — Pollinator Buffet Boulevard (med-wet, short height, sun/part shade, Jun-Oct)
D — Woodland Edge Boulevard (dry-med, short, part-full shade, Apr-Sep)
E — Woodland Pollinator Garden (med-wet, mixed height, part-full shade, Apr-Sep)
• Each flat contains 5 species in 4" pots, 15 plants total ($67.50 per flat)• This collection is designed with native wildflower species suitable for low growing ground cover which can be lawn replacement and/or intermingled as ground-hugging layers in your native gardens, as a replacement for wood mulch. Habitat gardening from the ground up!
* Please note that species in collections may be substituted if there is a crop failure. We have selected appropriate alternative native species that fit the purpose and garden conditions for each collection. All flat and plant reservations will be accepted in the order they are received.
Individual plants come in three sizes: 4", #1 & #2 pots
• native wildflowers and grasses in 4" pots ($4.50 each),
• special additions for sun and shade in #1 pots (see pricing on individual species)
• native shrubs to attract birds and butterflies in #2 pots ($20 each)
• native small trees with high wildlife value in #2 pots ($22 each)
Add additional native species to collections above or to existing gardens for added beauty and value to birds, bees, butterflies & more!
Click on the botanical name of each species to see a full plant profile on Minnesotawildflowers.info.
ORDER DEADLINE: Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Click on the botanical name of each species to see a full plant profile on Minnesotawildflowers.info.
ORDER DEADLINE: Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Please read through the instructions carefully before you place your order.
Step One:
View plant collections and individual plants below. Do a bit of research and learn about their value to pollinators and how they may be used in your landscape.
Step Two:
Before you open the Eventbrite link to place your order, make a list of all the collections and plants your would like to order. For your convenience, we've made a plant sale worksheet you can download and print. This will make your Eventbrite order go more smoothly.
Step Three:
Open the Eventbrite link HERE and complete all the purchasers information, including required fields such as name, address, email and phone number.
Step Four:
Select each item you want to purchase. It's possible some items will sell out so place your order as soon as possible.
Step Five:
Payment is by credit card or check. Eventbrite will charge a small processing fee but you will not be required to pay any sales tax, a fundraising exemption offered non-profits by the State of Minnesota.
Step Six:
Once payment has been made, you should receive an order confirmation via email along with a ticket. Save this ticket and bring it with you when you pick up your order.
Begins: Saturday, May 30th, 2020
Ends: Sunday, June, 14th, 2020
Prairie restorations, Inc.
It's still early to guarantee that all the plants offered in our sale will be available as Mother Nature sometimes has a different idea. In the event of a crop failure, you will have the option to select a replacement plant for individual plants orders when you pick up your order. Please note that substitutions of species in any of the FLATS ordered will NOT be permitted (alternative species that fit flat conditions and purpose have been pre-selected in case of crop failure). Thank you!
($60 per flat: 8 species—6 plants each)
A — Butterfly Host Plant Boulevard
(dry, short, full-part sun, Apr-Oct)
Pearly Everlasting — Anaphalis margaritacea
(1-3’ | dry | sun/part shade | white | Jul-Oct)
HOST plant for American Lady, Painted Lady butterflies & Skippers
Butterflyweed — Asclepias tuberosa
(1-2’ | dry | full sun | orange | Jun-Sep)
HOST plant for Monarch butterfly, attracts 12 larval insects, native bees, butterflies, wasps & hummingbirds
Side Oats Gramma — Bouteloria curtipedula
(1-3’ | dry | full sun)
HOST plant for Skippers, attracts birds & butterflies, provides bird food, nesting material & cover, grass w/attractive seed formation & fall color
Purple Prairie Clover — Dalea purpurea
(1-2’ | med-dry | sun/part sun | purple | Jun-Aug)
HOST plant for Clouded Sulfur, Eastern Tailed Blue & Southern Dogface butterflies, Bumble Bee forage
White Upland Aster — Solidago ptarmicoides
(1-2’ | dry | sun/part sun | white | Jul-Sep)
HOST plant for Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly, attracts native bees & pollinators
Smooth Blue Aster — Symphyotrichum laeve
(1-3’ | med-dry | full sun | lavender | Aug-Oct)
HOST plant for Pearl Crescent butterfly, attracts native bees & pollinators
Prairie Violet — Viola pedatifida
(3-6” | dry | sun/part shade | blue-violet | Apr-Jun)
HOST plant for Great Spangled & Idalia Fritillary butterflies
Heart-leaved Alexanders — Zizia aptera
(1-3’ | med-dry | sun/part sun | yellow | Apr-Jun)
HOST plant for Black Swallowtail butterfly, Bumble Bee forage
B — Bird-Bee-Butterfly Buffet
(dry-med, mixed height, full sun, Apr-Oct)
Narrow-leaved Purple Coneflower — Echinacea angustifolia
(1-2’ | dry | full sun | pink | Jun-Oct)
ONLY Echinacea truly native to MN, attracts birds, butterflies & native bees
Prairie Smoke — Geum triflorum
(6-16” | dry | full sun | pink | Apr-Jun)
Bumble Bee forage, good fall color
Hairy False Goldenaster — Heterotheca villosa
(8-20” | dry | full sun | yellow | Jun-Oct)
Attracts native bees, butterflies & pollinators
Rough Blazingstar — Liatris aspera
(2-4’ | med-dry | full sun | pink | Aug-Sep)
Attracts 4 larval insects, native bees, butterflies & pollinators
Wild Bergamot — Monarda fistulosa
(2-3.5’ | med-dry | sun/part sun | lavender | Jul-Sep)
Attracts 7 larval insects, bees, butterflies, wasps & hummingbirds, Bumble Bee forage
Little Bluestem — Schizachyrium scoparium
(1-3’ | wet-dry | sun/part shade)
HOST plant for Skippers, attracts 6 larval insects, butterflies & birds; provides nesting materials/structure for native bees, winter interest
Showy Goldenrod — Solidago speciosa
(1-5’ | med-dry | full sun | yellow | Jul-Oct)
HOST plant for Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly, attracts 112 larval insects, native bees, butterflies & pollinators, adult food source
Azure Aster — Symphyotrichum oolentaniense
(1-3’ | dry | sun/part sun | blue | Sep-Oct)
Host plant for Pearl Crescent butterfly, attracts pollinators
C — Pollinator Buffet Boulevard
(med-wet, short height, sun/part shade, Jun-Oct)
Sprengel's Sedge — Carex sprengelii
(1-3’ | med-wet | part sun/shade)
Attracts pollinators
Northern Bedstraw — Galium boreale
(1-3’ | dry-wet | full sun | white | Jul-Aug)
Attracts 18 larval insects, native bees & butterflies
Great Blue Lobelia — Lobelia siphilitica
(1-3’ | wet-med | sun/part sun | blue | Jul-Oct)
Attracts 4 larval insects, native bees & hummingbirds, Bumble Bee forage
Prairie Phlox — Phlox pilosa
(.5-2’ | dry-wet | sun/part shade | pink | May-Jun)
Attracts native bees, butterflies & hummingbirds
Virginia Mountain Mint — Pycnanthemum virginianum
(1-3’ | medium | sun/part shade | white-lavender | Jul-Sep)
Attracts native bees, butterflies & wasps, aromatic foliage
Black Eyed Susan — Rudbeckia hirta
(1-3’ | dry-wet | sun/part sun | yellow | Jul-Sep)
HOST plant for Silvery Checkerspot; Bumble Bee forage, attracts native bees & wasps, reseeds
Lindley’s Aster — Symphyotrichum ciliolatum
(1-3’ | medium | sun/part shade | blue | Aug-Oct)
HOST plant for Pearl Crescent butterfly, supports native bees
Golden Alexander — Zizia aurea
(1-3’ | dry-wet | sun/part shade | yellow | May-Jun)
HOST plant for Black Swallowtail butterfly, Bumble Bee forage; attracts native bees, butterflies & wasps
D — Woodland Edge Pollinator Boulevard
(dry-med, short, part-full shade, Apr-Sep)
Wild Columbine — Aquilegia canadensis
(1-3’ | medium | sun/shade | red/yellow | Apr-Jun)
HOST plant for Spring Azure, attracts 12 larval insects, native bees, butterflies & hummingbirds, Bumble Bee forage
Dewey's Sedge — Carex deweyana
(6-36” | dry-wet | part shade/shade)
Provides wildlife food & cover
Wild Geranium — Geranium maculatum
(1-3’ | med-dry | part shade/shade | lavender | May-Jun)
Attracts 23 larval insects, Bumble Bee forage
Alumroot — Heuchera richardsonii
(1-2’ | wet-med to dry | sun/part shade | yellow-lime | May-Jul)
Attracts native bees
Wild Blue Phlox — Phlox divaricata
(10-18” | medium | part shade/shade | blue-violet | Apr-Jun)
Attracts butterflies, including Swallowtails & Gray Hairstreaks
Smooth Solomon's Seal — Polygonatum biflorum
(1-3’ | med-dry | part shade/shade | yellowish-green | May-Jul)
Bumble Bee forage
Zigzag Goldenrod — Solidago flexicaulis
(1-3’ | med-dry | part sun/shade | yellow | Aug-Sep)
HOST plant for Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly, attracts 112 larval insects, Bumble Bee forage
Downy Yellow Violet — Viola pubescens
(4-18” | dry | part shade/shade | yellow | Apr-Jun)
HOST plant for Great Spangled & Idalia Fritillary butterflies
E — Woodland Pollinator Garden
(med-wet, mixed height, part-full shade, Apr-Sep)
Jack-in-the-Pulpit — Arisaema triphyllum
(1-3’ | med-wet | part shade/shade | green-purple | Apr-Jun)
Attracts birds
Eastern Star Sedge — Carex radiata
(8-30” | med-wet | part shade/shade)
Provides wildlife food & cover
Large Leaved Aster — Eurybia macrophylla
(1-4’ | med-wet | part sun/shade | white-pink | Jul-Sep)
HOST plant for Pearl Crescent, attracts butterflies & 105 larval insects, Bumble Bee forage
Two-leaf Miterwort — Mitella diphylla
(10-18” | med-wet | part shade/shade | whitish green | Apr-May)
Attracts native bees and pollinators
Jacob’s Ladder — Polemonium reptans
(1-2’ | med-wet | part sun/shade | blue-violet | May-Jun)
Bumble Bee forage
Cut-leaf Coneflower — Rudbeckia laciniata
(2-6’ | med-wet | part sun/shade | yellow | Jul-Sep)
Attracts pollinators & birds
Early Meadow Rue — Thalictrum dioicum
(8-30” | medium | part shade/shade | white-green | Apr-Jun)
Attracts 1native bees, butterflies & pollinators
Sweet White Violet — Viola blanda
(3-6” | med-wet | part shade/shade | white, Apr-Jun)
HOST plant for Great Spangled & Idalia Fritillary butterflies
31646 128th Street, Princeton, MN 5537 | 763-389-4342
Pick up dates and times are flexible. First day of pick up is Saturday May 30. Please be mindful if there is a rush that day to allow time for proper social distancing. If you have flexibility to come on a weekday, please do so.
- If you are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in direct contact with someone who has tested positive, please contact us and we'll make arrangements for delivery to your driveway.
- We'll have volunteers at Prairie Restorations on Saturdays only to help staff during busiest times.
- As a courtesy to staff, please try to arrive at least an hour before the store closes and wear protective masks and observe social distancing protocol.
- Prairie Restoration staff will fill orders, even on the days we are there to assist.
- WO plant sale customers please pick-up your plants and bring them to your car before purchasing plants or merchandise with your Plant Sale Discount. Carts are provided for your convenience. If there are others ahead of you in line, we ask that you respect the social distancing markers on the walk.
- We have a limited availability of volunteers who can pick up and deliver your order but really hope you can make the drive out to Princeton. It's a great experience and not far from Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge, a great place to visit!
Lupine & Hoary Puccoon at Sherburne NWR, 2019 Photo by Holley Wlodarczyk |
It's still early to guarantee that all the plants offered in our sale will be available as Mother Nature sometimes has a different idea. In the event of a crop failure, you will have the option to select a replacement plant for individual plants orders when you pick up your order. Please note that substitutions of species in any of the FLATS ordered will NOT be permitted (alternative species that fit flat conditions and purpose have been pre-selected in case of crop failure). Thank you!
($60 per flat: 8 species—6 plants each)
(dry, short, full-part sun, Apr-Oct)
Pearly Everlasting — Anaphalis margaritacea
(1-3’ | dry | sun/part shade | white | Jul-Oct)
HOST plant for American Lady, Painted Lady butterflies & Skippers
Butterflyweed — Asclepias tuberosa
(1-2’ | dry | full sun | orange | Jun-Sep)
HOST plant for Monarch butterfly, attracts 12 larval insects, native bees, butterflies, wasps & hummingbirds
Side Oats Gramma — Bouteloria curtipedula
(1-3’ | dry | full sun)
HOST plant for Skippers, attracts birds & butterflies, provides bird food, nesting material & cover, grass w/attractive seed formation & fall color
Purple Prairie Clover — Dalea purpurea
(1-2’ | med-dry | sun/part sun | purple | Jun-Aug)
HOST plant for Clouded Sulfur, Eastern Tailed Blue & Southern Dogface butterflies, Bumble Bee forage
White Upland Aster — Solidago ptarmicoides
(1-2’ | dry | sun/part sun | white | Jul-Sep)
HOST plant for Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly, attracts native bees & pollinators
Smooth Blue Aster — Symphyotrichum laeve
(1-3’ | med-dry | full sun | lavender | Aug-Oct)
HOST plant for Pearl Crescent butterfly, attracts native bees & pollinators
Prairie Violet — Viola pedatifida
(3-6” | dry | sun/part shade | blue-violet | Apr-Jun)
HOST plant for Great Spangled & Idalia Fritillary butterflies
Heart-leaved Alexanders — Zizia aptera
(1-3’ | med-dry | sun/part sun | yellow | Apr-Jun)
HOST plant for Black Swallowtail butterfly, Bumble Bee forage
(dry-med, mixed height, full sun, Apr-Oct)
(1-2’ | dry | full sun | pink | Jun-Oct)
ONLY Echinacea truly native to MN, attracts birds, butterflies & native bees
Prairie Smoke — Geum triflorum
(6-16” | dry | full sun | pink | Apr-Jun)
Bumble Bee forage, good fall color
Hairy False Goldenaster — Heterotheca villosa
(8-20” | dry | full sun | yellow | Jun-Oct)
Attracts native bees, butterflies & pollinators
Rough Blazingstar — Liatris aspera
(2-4’ | med-dry | full sun | pink | Aug-Sep)
Attracts 4 larval insects, native bees, butterflies & pollinators
Wild Bergamot — Monarda fistulosa
(2-3.5’ | med-dry | sun/part sun | lavender | Jul-Sep)
Attracts 7 larval insects, bees, butterflies, wasps & hummingbirds, Bumble Bee forage
Little Bluestem — Schizachyrium scoparium
(1-3’ | wet-dry | sun/part shade)
HOST plant for Skippers, attracts 6 larval insects, butterflies & birds; provides nesting materials/structure for native bees, winter interest
Showy Goldenrod — Solidago speciosa
(1-5’ | med-dry | full sun | yellow | Jul-Oct)
HOST plant for Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly, attracts 112 larval insects, native bees, butterflies & pollinators, adult food source
Azure Aster — Symphyotrichum oolentaniense
(1-3’ | dry | sun/part sun | blue | Sep-Oct)
Host plant for Pearl Crescent butterfly, attracts pollinators
(med-wet, short height, sun/part shade, Jun-Oct)
(1-3’ | med-wet | part sun/shade)
Attracts pollinators
Northern Bedstraw — Galium boreale
(1-3’ | dry-wet | full sun | white | Jul-Aug)
Attracts 18 larval insects, native bees & butterflies
Great Blue Lobelia — Lobelia siphilitica
(1-3’ | wet-med | sun/part sun | blue | Jul-Oct)
Attracts 4 larval insects, native bees & hummingbirds, Bumble Bee forage
Prairie Phlox — Phlox pilosa
(.5-2’ | dry-wet | sun/part shade | pink | May-Jun)
Attracts native bees, butterflies & hummingbirds
Virginia Mountain Mint — Pycnanthemum virginianum
(1-3’ | medium | sun/part shade | white-lavender | Jul-Sep)
Attracts native bees, butterflies & wasps, aromatic foliage
Black Eyed Susan — Rudbeckia hirta
(1-3’ | dry-wet | sun/part sun | yellow | Jul-Sep)
HOST plant for Silvery Checkerspot; Bumble Bee forage, attracts native bees & wasps, reseeds
Lindley’s Aster — Symphyotrichum ciliolatum
(1-3’ | medium | sun/part shade | blue | Aug-Oct)
HOST plant for Pearl Crescent butterfly, supports native bees
Golden Alexander — Zizia aurea
(1-3’ | dry-wet | sun/part shade | yellow | May-Jun)
HOST plant for Black Swallowtail butterfly, Bumble Bee forage; attracts native bees, butterflies & wasps
(dry-med, short, part-full shade, Apr-Sep)
(1-3’ | medium | sun/shade | red/yellow | Apr-Jun)
HOST plant for Spring Azure, attracts 12 larval insects, native bees, butterflies & hummingbirds, Bumble Bee forage
Dewey's Sedge — Carex deweyana
(6-36” | dry-wet | part shade/shade)
Provides wildlife food & cover
Wild Geranium — Geranium maculatum
(1-3’ | med-dry | part shade/shade | lavender | May-Jun)
Attracts 23 larval insects, Bumble Bee forage
Alumroot — Heuchera richardsonii
(1-2’ | wet-med to dry | sun/part shade | yellow-lime | May-Jul)
Attracts native bees
Wild Blue Phlox — Phlox divaricata
(10-18” | medium | part shade/shade | blue-violet | Apr-Jun)
Attracts butterflies, including Swallowtails & Gray Hairstreaks
Smooth Solomon's Seal — Polygonatum biflorum
(1-3’ | med-dry | part shade/shade | yellowish-green | May-Jul)
Bumble Bee forage
Zigzag Goldenrod — Solidago flexicaulis
(1-3’ | med-dry | part sun/shade | yellow | Aug-Sep)
HOST plant for Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly, attracts 112 larval insects, Bumble Bee forage
Downy Yellow Violet — Viola pubescens
(4-18” | dry | part shade/shade | yellow | Apr-Jun)
HOST plant for Great Spangled & Idalia Fritillary butterflies
(med-wet, mixed height, part-full shade, Apr-Sep)
Jack-in-the-Pulpit — Arisaema triphyllum
(1-3’ | med-wet | part shade/shade | green-purple | Apr-Jun)
Attracts birds
Eastern Star Sedge — Carex radiata
(8-30” | med-wet | part shade/shade)
Provides wildlife food & cover
Large Leaved Aster — Eurybia macrophylla
(1-4’ | med-wet | part sun/shade | white-pink | Jul-Sep)
HOST plant for Pearl Crescent, attracts butterflies & 105 larval insects, Bumble Bee forage
Two-leaf Miterwort — Mitella diphylla
(10-18” | med-wet | part shade/shade | whitish green | Apr-May)
Attracts native bees and pollinators
Jacob’s Ladder — Polemonium reptans
(1-2’ | med-wet | part sun/shade | blue-violet | May-Jun)
Bumble Bee forage
Cut-leaf Coneflower — Rudbeckia laciniata
(2-6’ | med-wet | part sun/shade | yellow | Jul-Sep)
Attracts pollinators & birds
Early Meadow Rue — Thalictrum dioicum
(8-30” | medium | part shade/shade | white-green | Apr-Jun)
Attracts 1native bees, butterflies & pollinators
Sweet White Violet — Viola blanda
(3-6” | med-wet | part shade/shade | white, Apr-Jun)
HOST plant for Great Spangled & Idalia Fritillary butterflies
($67.50 per flat: 5 species—3 individual 4" potted plants each)
Low growing ground cover which can be lawn replacement and/or intermingled as ground-hugging layers in your native gardens, as a replacement for wood mulch. Habitat gardening from the ground up!
Prairie Smoke — Geum triflorum
(6-16” | dry | full sun | pink | Apr-Jun)
Bumble Bee forage, good fall color
Field Pussytoes — Antennaria neglecta
(4-16” | dry | sun/part sun | white | Apr-Jun)
HOST plant for American Painted Lady, attracts birds & butterflies, good ground cover for dry sun
Longe-leaved bluets — Houstonia longifolia
(3-10" | sun-pt.shade | blue | Jun-Aug)
Attracts small native bees.
False Lily of the Valley — Maianthemum canadense
Attracts small native bees.
False Lily of the Valley — Maianthemum canadense
(3-6" | pt.shade | white | May-Jun)
Attracts birds, small bees & Syrphid flies.
Downy Blue Violet — Viola sororia
Attracts birds, small bees & Syrphid flies.
Downy Blue Violet — Viola sororia
(3-8" | sun-shade | violet | Apr-Jun)
HOST plant for Great Spangled & Idalia Fritillary butterflies
($4.50 each—4” pots)
Prairie Onion — Allium stellatum
(8-18” | dry | full sun | pink | Jul-Aug)
Attracts butterflies; Bumble Bee forage
Harebell — Campanula rotundifolia
(.5-1.5’ | med-dry | sun/part shade | violet | Jun-Oct)
Attracts native bees, delicate beauty
Prairie Coreopsis — Coreopsis palmata
(1-3’ | med-dry | full sun | yellow | Jun-Aug)
Attracts 6 larval insects, native bees & butterflies
Slender Beardtongue — Penstemon gracilis
(12-18” | med-dry | sun/part shade | lavender | May-Jun)
Attracts hummingbirds & pollinators
HOST plant for Great Spangled & Idalia Fritillary butterflies
($4.50 each—4” pots)
(8-18” | dry | full sun | pink | Jul-Aug)
Attracts butterflies; Bumble Bee forage
Harebell — Campanula rotundifolia
(.5-1.5’ | med-dry | sun/part shade | violet | Jun-Oct)
Attracts native bees, delicate beauty
Prairie Coreopsis — Coreopsis palmata
(1-3’ | med-dry | full sun | yellow | Jun-Aug)
Attracts 6 larval insects, native bees & butterflies
Slender Beardtongue — Penstemon gracilis
(12-18” | med-dry | sun/part shade | lavender | May-Jun)
Attracts hummingbirds & pollinators
Sweet Joe-Pye Weed— Eutrochium purpureum
(4-10’ | med-wet | sun-part shade | pink | Jul-Sep)
Attracts 40 larval insects, native bees & butterflies, Bumble Bee forage, tall background or centerpiece
Cup Plant — Silphium perfolatum
(3-8’ | med-wet | sun/part shade | yellow | Jul-Sep)
Attracts native bees, birds & butterflies, tall background or centerpiece, multiplies
New England Aster — Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
(2-6’ | wet-med | full sun | purple | Aug-Oct)
HOST plant for Pearl Crescent butterfly, Bumble Bee forage, attracts native bees & butterflies, tall & showy aster into fall, multiplies
Tall Meadow Rue — Thalictrum dasycarpum
(2-8’ | med-wet | sun/part shade | greenish white | Jun-Jul)
Attracts 13 larval insects, woodland edge specimen plant
Sweet Joe-Pye Weed— Eutrochium purpureum
(4-10’ | med-wet | sun-part shade | pink | Jul-Sep)
Attracts 40 larval insects, native bees & butterflies, Bumble Bee forage, tall background or centerpiece
Cup Plant — Silphium perfolatum
(3-8’ | med-wet | sun/part shade | yellow | Jul-Sep)
Attracts native bees, birds & butterflies, tall background or centerpiece, multiplies
New England Aster — Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
(2-6’ | wet-med | full sun | purple | Aug-Oct)
HOST plant for Pearl Crescent butterfly, Bumble Bee forage, attracts native bees & butterflies, tall & showy aster into fall, multiplies
Tall Meadow Rue — Thalictrum dasycarpum
(2-8’ | med-wet | sun/part shade | greenish white | Jun-Jul)
Attracts 13 larval insects, woodland edge specimen plant
Big Bluestem - Andropogon gerardii
(2-7’ | med-dry | sun/part shade)
HOST plant for Skippers & Common Wood Nymph, attracts 11 larval insects, birds & butterflies, provides cover for songbirds and nesting sites, multiplies
Kalm's Brome— Bromus kalmii
(20-40" | dry-wet | full sun)
Provides nesting materials and structure for native bees.
(4-18” | dry-med | sun/part shade)
Attracts 36 species of caterpillars, very adaptable
Prairie Dropseed — Sporobolus heterolepis
Attracts 36 species of caterpillars, very adaptable
Prairie Dropseed — Sporobolus heterolepis
(1-3’ | med-dry | full sun)
Pearly Everlasting — Anaphalis margaritacea
(1-3’ | dry | sun/part shade | white | Jul-Oct)
HOST plant for American Lady, Painted Lady butterflies & Skippers
(1-2’ | dry | full sun | white | Jul-Sep)
HOST plant for Monarch butterfly, attracts 12 larval insects, native bees & pollinators
Silky Aster — Symphyotrichum sericeum
(1-2’ | dry | sun/part shade | pink | Aug-Oct)
HOST plant for the Pearl Crescent butterfly, attracts 105 larval insects and pollinators
Hoary Vervain — Verbena stricta
(1-2’ | med-dry | sun/part sun | purple | Jun-Sep)
HOST plant for the Common Buckeye, attracts native bees, butterflies & hummingbirds
(1-2’ | med-dry | sun/part sun | purple | Jun-Sep)
HOST plant for the Common Buckeye, attracts native bees, butterflies & hummingbirds
Giant Hyssop — Agastache foeniculum
(3-4’ | med-dry | sun/part sun | purple | Jun-Sep)
Attracts native bees, butterflies, pollinators & hummingbirds, Bumble Bee forage, aromatic
Rough Blazing Star — Liatris aspera
(1-4’ | dry | sun-part sun | purple | Jul-Sep)
Bumble Bee forage, attracts native bees, butterflies & hummingbirds
Large Flowered Beardtongue — Penstemon grandiflorus
(1-3’ | med-dry | sun/part sun | lavender | May-Jul)
Bumble Bee forage, attracts native bees, butterflies & hummingbirds
Bumble Bee forage, attracts native bees, butterflies & hummingbirds
Green-Headed Coneflower — Rudbeckia laciniata
(2-6’ | med-wet | part sun/shade | yellow | Jul-Sep)
Attracts pollinators & birds
(2-6’ | med-wet | part sun/shade | yellow | Jul-Sep)
Attracts pollinators & birds
Rattlesnake Master — Eryngium yuccifolium
(2-5’ | dry-wet | sun/part sun | yellow | Jul-Sep)
Attracts native bees, butterflies & pollinators
Blanketflower — Gaillardia aristata
(1-3’ | dry | full sun | white | May-Sep)
Attracts, native bees & butterflies, important for Dakota Skipper—soon to be on the Federal endangered species list
Cardinal Flower — Lobelia cardinalis
(2-5’ | med-wet | part sun/shade | red | Jul-Sep)
Attracts birds, butterflies & hummingbirds, nectar source
Allegheny Monkey Flower — Mimulus ringens
(1-3’ | med-wet | sun/part shade | blue-violet | Jun-Sep)
Bumble Bee forage; great for rain gardens
Spotted Beebalm — Monarda punctata
(2-3’ | dry | full sun | lavender | Aug-Oct)
Attracts native bees, wasps & pollinators
(see individual species below for prices—#1 pots)
Obedient Plant — Physostegia virginiana ($13)
(2-4’ | med-wet | sun/shade | pink | Aug-Sep)
Attracts butterflies, native bees and hummingbirds, Bumble Bee forage, nectar source, great in rain gardens
Virgin's Bower — Clematis virginiana ($13)
(6-20’ | med-wet | sun/part shade | white | Jul-Aug)
Woody flowering vine, Attracts bees, butterflies & hummingbirds
Carolina Puccoon — Lithospermum caroliniense ($15)
(6-24” | dry | sun/part shade | orang-yellow | May-Jul)
Attracts pollinators, uncommon in nursery trade, likes sandy soil, rabbits known to graze
(2-4’ | med-wet | sun/shade | pink | Aug-Sep)
Attracts butterflies, native bees and hummingbirds, Bumble Bee forage, nectar source, great in rain gardens
Virgin's Bower — Clematis virginiana ($13)
(6-20’ | med-wet | sun/part shade | white | Jul-Aug)
Woody flowering vine, Attracts bees, butterflies & hummingbirds
Carolina Puccoon — Lithospermum caroliniense ($15)
(6-24” | dry | sun/part shade | orang-yellow | May-Jul)
Attracts pollinators, uncommon in nursery trade, likes sandy soil, rabbits known to graze
Maidenhair Fern — Adiantum pedatum ($15)
(1-2’ | medium | part shade/shade;)
Provides shelter for toads & lizards, ornamental
Sensitive Fern — Onoclea sensibilis ($15)
(12-30” | med-wet | part shade/shade)
Shelters salamanders & frogs
($20 each—#2 pots)
False Indigo — Amorpha fruticosa
(3-12’ | wet | sun/part sun | purple-reddish brown | Jun-Jul)
HOST plant for many butterflies, special value to native bees, attracts pollinators, fragrant, deer resistant
Black Chokeberry — Aronia melanocarpa
(4-8’ | med-wet | sun/part shade | white-pink | May-Jul)
Attracts birds, showy, good fall color
New Jersey Tea — Ceanothus americanus
(1-3’ | med-dry | sun/part shade | white | Jun-Aug)
HOST plant for Spring & Summer Azures, birds & butterflies, low growing
Red-Osier Dogwood — Cornus sericea
(3-8’ | med-wet | sun/part shade | white | May-Aug)
HOST plant for Spring Azure, attracts 115 larval insects, butterflies & birds, Bumble Bee forage, winter interest
American Hazelnut — Corylus americana
(4-16’ | dry-moist | sun-shade | | Apr-May)
Attracts birds, excellent wildlife shrub, edible nuts!
Bush Honeysuckle — Diervilla lonicera
(1-3’ | med-dry | sun/shade | yellow | Jun-Jul)
Bumble Bee forage, great mid-season pollinator shrub, good fall color
High Bush Cranberry — Viburnum triloba
(8-15’ | med-wet | sun/part shade | white | May-Jun)
HOST plant for Spring Azure and Summer Azure, attracts birds, excellent wildlife shrub, fragrant flowers
(1-2’ | medium | part shade/shade;)
Provides shelter for toads & lizards, ornamental
Sensitive Fern — Onoclea sensibilis ($15)
(12-30” | med-wet | part shade/shade)
Shelters salamanders & frogs
($20 each—#2 pots)
(3-12’ | wet | sun/part sun | purple-reddish brown | Jun-Jul)
HOST plant for many butterflies, special value to native bees, attracts pollinators, fragrant, deer resistant
(4-8’ | med-wet | sun/part shade | white-pink | May-Jul)
Attracts birds, showy, good fall color
New Jersey Tea — Ceanothus americanus
(1-3’ | med-dry | sun/part shade | white | Jun-Aug)
HOST plant for Spring & Summer Azures, birds & butterflies, low growing
Red-Osier Dogwood — Cornus sericea
(3-8’ | med-wet | sun/part shade | white | May-Aug)
HOST plant for Spring Azure, attracts 115 larval insects, butterflies & birds, Bumble Bee forage, winter interest
American Hazelnut — Corylus americana
(4-16’ | dry-moist | sun-shade | | Apr-May)
Attracts birds, excellent wildlife shrub, edible nuts!
Bush Honeysuckle — Diervilla lonicera
(1-3’ | med-dry | sun/shade | yellow | Jun-Jul)
Bumble Bee forage, great mid-season pollinator shrub, good fall color
High Bush Cranberry — Viburnum triloba
HOST plant for Spring Azure and Summer Azure, attracts birds, excellent wildlife shrub, fragrant flowers
($22 each—#2 pots)
Inland Serviceberry — Amelanchier interior
(20-30’ | dry-med | sun/part shade | white | Apr-Jun)
Bird magnet, wildlife value, showy, spring blossoms, edible fruit, good fall color
Pagoda Dogwood — Cornus alternifolia
(12-25’ | med | part sun/shade | white | May-Jun)
HOST plant for Spring Azure, attracts birds and butterflies, high wildlife value
Showy Mountain Ash — Sorbus decor
(10-40’ | med-wet | sun/part sun | white blossoms, oragnge-red berries | Jun-Jul)
Attracts birds, wildlife value, showy, unrelated to Ash Trees (Fraxinus species) and unthreatened by Emerald Ash Borer
Sale includes native plants donated, rescued or grown by our members. All proceeds go to support Wild ones Twin Cities educational programs.
Twin Cities Chapter of Wild Ones has hosted native plant sales or exchanges for nearly 20 years. Due to current social distancing protocols, this year's donated plant sale is a separate event, limiting number of participants to 3 individuals for each 30 minute time slot.
In addition to a selection of potted native plants, we'll have an abundant supply of Meadow Blazing Star (grown by a member from corms supplied by Minnesota Native Landscapes) and white paper birch logs that add both visual interest and insect habitat to a naturalized landscape.
Please register HERE for a ticket at a time when you will be able to attend.
Accept check or cash only. If paying by cash, please bring an assortment of small bills so we have minimal physical contact for cash transactions.
Accepting donations between Sunday May 24 and Saturday June 6.
Plants must be potted and labelled with common and botanical name.
If you have plants to donate, please send an email to wotcplantsale@gmail.com to arrange for a drop off appointment.
Background photo credit: Minnesota Native Landscapes
Native plants were here long before lawnmowers, sprinklers and garden chemicals. Once established, plants native to this region are low maintenance and do not require care typically associated with gardens. Native perennials build a strong, deep root system before focusing on the production of leaves, stems and flowers, resulting in plants that are sturdy and drought tolerant. Native plants are beautiful, and provide food and shelter for wildlife including butterflies, dragonflies, pollinators and birds.
It is important to match species requirements with the site features such as soil type, light conditions, moisture and drainage for the planting to be successful.
You can start now! Proper site preparation gives your plants a great head start. Removal of competitive weeds and grasses must be accomplished before planting begins. One option: cover the area with 10-15 layers of newspapers to block out sunlight. Saturate the newspaper with water to prevent it from blowing away, then apply a clean shredded mulch or compost. Later, after the newspaper has softened but is damp, punch holes in it and insert your new plants.
Flats include 6-packs, and have been designed to cover about 30 to 45 square feet, depending on flat selected. Plants should be spaced 12-18 inches apart as most will spread out as they mature. A good rule of thumb: One plant per square foot. Species may be substituted if there is a crop failure.
Wild Ones, Native Plants, Natural Landscapes, is a national non-profit organization that informs and teaches people how to use native plants in their landscapes. Wild Ones distinguishes itself from other garden organizations by encouraging gardening with native plants and moving away from the use of chemicals, watering, excessive mowing and other practices commonly used by traditional gardeners.
Support Wild Ones educational programs by joining our organization. Your $40 membership fee is also a tax deductible donation. For more information, visit WildOnes.org.
($22 each—#2 pots)
(20-30’ | dry-med | sun/part shade | white | Apr-Jun)
Bird magnet, wildlife value, showy, spring blossoms, edible fruit, good fall color
Pagoda Dogwood — Cornus alternifolia
(12-25’ | med | part sun/shade | white | May-Jun)
HOST plant for Spring Azure, attracts birds and butterflies, high wildlife value
Showy Mountain Ash — Sorbus decor
(10-40’ | med-wet | sun/part sun | white blossoms, oragnge-red berries | Jun-Jul)
Attracts birds, wildlife value, showy, unrelated to Ash Trees (Fraxinus species) and unthreatened by Emerald Ash Borer
All native plant photos courtesy of Katy Chayka and Peter M. Dzuik at Minnesota Wildflowers
Sale includes native plants donated, rescued or grown by our members. All proceeds go to support Wild ones Twin Cities educational programs.
Twin Cities Chapter of Wild Ones has hosted native plant sales or exchanges for nearly 20 years. Due to current social distancing protocols, this year's donated plant sale is a separate event, limiting number of participants to 3 individuals for each 30 minute time slot.
In addition to a selection of potted native plants, we'll have an abundant supply of Meadow Blazing Star (grown by a member from corms supplied by Minnesota Native Landscapes) and white paper birch logs that add both visual interest and insect habitat to a naturalized landscape.
Please register HERE for a ticket at a time when you will be able to attend.
- Thursday, June 11th from 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
- Friday, June 12th from 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
- Saturday, June 13th from 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Accept check or cash only. If paying by cash, please bring an assortment of small bills so we have minimal physical contact for cash transactions.
Accepting donations between Sunday May 24 and Saturday June 6.
Plants must be potted and labelled with common and botanical name.
If you have plants to donate, please send an email to wotcplantsale@gmail.com to arrange for a drop off appointment.
Background photo credit: Minnesota Native Landscapes
Native plants were here long before lawnmowers, sprinklers and garden chemicals. Once established, plants native to this region are low maintenance and do not require care typically associated with gardens. Native perennials build a strong, deep root system before focusing on the production of leaves, stems and flowers, resulting in plants that are sturdy and drought tolerant. Native plants are beautiful, and provide food and shelter for wildlife including butterflies, dragonflies, pollinators and birds.
It is important to match species requirements with the site features such as soil type, light conditions, moisture and drainage for the planting to be successful.
You can start now! Proper site preparation gives your plants a great head start. Removal of competitive weeds and grasses must be accomplished before planting begins. One option: cover the area with 10-15 layers of newspapers to block out sunlight. Saturate the newspaper with water to prevent it from blowing away, then apply a clean shredded mulch or compost. Later, after the newspaper has softened but is damp, punch holes in it and insert your new plants.
Flats include 6-packs, and have been designed to cover about 30 to 45 square feet, depending on flat selected. Plants should be spaced 12-18 inches apart as most will spread out as they mature. A good rule of thumb: One plant per square foot. Species may be substituted if there is a crop failure.
Wild Ones, Native Plants, Natural Landscapes, is a national non-profit organization that informs and teaches people how to use native plants in their landscapes. Wild Ones distinguishes itself from other garden organizations by encouraging gardening with native plants and moving away from the use of chemicals, watering, excessive mowing and other practices commonly used by traditional gardeners.
Support Wild Ones educational programs by joining our organization. Your $40 membership fee is also a tax deductible donation. For more information, visit WildOnes.org.
If you would like to volunteer
to support Chapter Activities, including our
to support Chapter Activities, including our
• Native Plant Sale • Monthly Meetings • New Member Welcome Gathering, and more...